Saturday, November 8, 2008

Got boxes? Got Drums!

Inspiration often strikes in peculiar ways, lately, I was struck to bang on random resonant packaging materials and record the sounds they make. I assembled them into a hydrogen drum kit [download drumkit][Broken link now fixed] and composed a simple little percussion piece to demonstrate. Hurray for percussion!

Check out the Waxy Ear myspace and listen to the resulting BoxJar Jam song

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Build Pics: Home LAMP server

As promised, I've uploaded some pictures of my latest project: A home network LAMP/Backup/Print server. Details on configuration and ub3r tweaks next time.

I chose a micro ATX case, for slim compact size

Time to roll up the sleeves and get dirty!

It's a GeForce 7050M Motherboard

The three hard drives which will handle all the data (two 500 gig sata, one 80 gig ide)

One of the two drive trays to hold the RAID 1 array

It's coming together!

Installing Debian. (Before I realized it was much simpler to do a net-install via usb flash drive)

And that's that. This little workhorse has proven to be a very valuable investment. Besides backing up my main workstation every night to the RAID 1, It runs TorrentFlux to manage bittorrent downloads and also servers as a CUPS host to my home network for printing.