Thursday, October 16, 2008

Prelminary descrete circuitry guitar amp.

Above is pictured a very simple and wonderfully bad guitar amp circuit. The output is weak and horribly distorted but it works and can sound quite interesting.

After doing more research I noticed a striking similarity to my circuit and an NPN based Fuzz Face circuit


Brian the Lion said...

Hey Simon,

That's cool, man. You should also attach a picture of the circuit diagram, for those who like seeing naked circuitry - haha.

I worked a lot with audio/signal amplifiers in Electronics II in varsity and I must tell you, the theory gets pretty hairy, but it's awesome stuff. A very important feature is output proctection, because speakers are inductive and thus send current back into your circuit when de-energised. The smell of burnt silicon teaches you that lesson very quickly :). Also, a measure of a good audio amp is it's Total Harmonic Distortion (THD), if you're interested.


dcsimon said...

Yes, the theory does get very hairy, and when left unattended for a while can even get that wet dog smell </corny joke>. I've become very familiar with that smell of cooked silicon as I'm sure you have as well, and I totally agree that you either learn fast or find a supply of cheap components. If you have any old pics/schematics of past projects I'd be interested to see them.

Brian the Lion said...


Unfortunately, I just moved out of my old house and kinda got rid of all my varsity notes. I only have my good old textbooks. I can look through my digital backup of Electronics reports if you're interested?

There are however, tonnes of audio circuits available on the web - stuff like, wah-wah pedals, reverbs, distortions etc. Unfortunately, the circuit components can be quite expensive which stopped me dead in my tracks when I was a broke student. Now I have the money, but I just don't have the time. Such is life :).

Btw: what are you studying at the moment?


dcsimon said...

Currently, I am majoring in Audio Production, I tend to study allot of other stuff however.

Brian the Lion said...


Audio production... that's pretty cool. I would appreciate it if you could add some of your opinions to my blog comments.

It sounds like you have the makings if an electrical engineer - did you ever consider going down that path?


dcsimon said...

Yes, I've actually considered Electrical Engineering, and still do from time to time. The only thing holding me back is the fun I get to have in audio production without the hefty math courses. In general, I often find myself in agreement with your posts, and try and avoid being to 'nit-picky', but I'll remember to chime in, in the future.

Brian the Lion said...

Fair enough, Engineering can be pretty tough. In my country (South Africa), audio production doesn't pay the bills quite as well as it would in America. The only way you can make cash in that field is by mixing for some of the local Kwaito bands, which is basically native rap. Which is cool if you're into that, but for me that would be like a 12 hour headache.

Anyways, thanks for the chat and your input on my site - it is much appreciated.
