Monday, August 31, 2009

Is twitter taking over? I think not!

This past month as been jam packed with stuff for me: Moving, settling into the new digs, painting, wiring for a network, four classes at school, developing software for work, moding my dumpster destined x-box, finishing Out of Control, pre-pro for a new short? etc.

So chances are, if you've talked to me during the past month, you know a little about whats been going on. So this post, I want anyone who is at all curious about anything I may have mentioned in a conversation together to request that I write a post explaining in more detail the (mis)adventures in tech i've experienced as of late.

Post a comment with your request, send me an email or just ask me in person. And if no one makes a request, then that is simply that much less writing I will have to do. (But you really should make a request) I leave you all with the video bellow. Don't try this at home kids! Oh, and of course, you can keep up with my many blurbs of thought and text on twitter @dcsim0n

Pyro Cannon Test from Kevin Wilson on Vimeo.

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